American Heart Association

Select Airports Offer FREE Hands-Only CPR Training! #CPRSavesLives #Ad Thumbnail Select Airports Offer FREE Hands-Only CPR Training! #CPRSavesLives #Ad Thumbnail

  With over 350 thousand cardiac arrests occurring outside hospital and about 20% happening in public places like airports, the American Heart Association, with support from the Anthem Foundation, has launched an educational campaign that can train you to save lives. During cardiac arrest, time is of the essence. When a heart stops beating, it [...]


  How heart smart is your shopping cart?   As a parent, and consumer, I want to believe I am making heart healthy choices for myself and my family. Yet, reality is that most consumers don't.   Many families avoid heart-healthy foods because they think they won’t taste good or are too hard to make or cost too much. . [...]

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Let’s Turn the White House RED! Thumbnail Let’s Turn the White House RED! Thumbnail

Have you heard the news? The White House may turn red! Why? Because it will raise awareness for heart health! How cool is that?! If you have never heard of Go Red for Women and/or Go Red Por Tu Corazón, it's a non-profit organization that aims to raise awareness for heart health in women. As [...]


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