

Is It Chic or Just Plain Cheap? (NYC Teen Style)

I took a few pictures of several NYC Teens to showcase their style. 

Maria, not her real name, is wearing a knitted scarf over a black blazer and cropped blue tee.  She also matched  her brown belt to her short brown boots. She completed the outfit by wearing socks outside the boots, taking pains to match the color of her scarf.



Sarah, not her real name, is wearing a hat that was featured in a previous Is it Chic OR just plain Cheap? post. To showcase the hat, she kept her outfit understated by wearing skinny jeans and a striped tee underneath a gray cardigan. Like Maria, she choose brown boots to complete the outfit.



What do you think? Let us know in a comment!

About the Author


Migdalia Rivera, also known as Ms. Latina in social media, is a single Latina mother of a teen, tween and 2 Australian Shepherds. When not blogging, or chasing after her energetic bunch, she connects influential bloggers with brands and PR agencies via her blogger network, Stiletto Media.

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  • Avatar Nikki @ Mommy Factor April 18, 2011, 12:30 pm

    I think teen females dress way to sexy these days. I think the same look can be fashionable and fun without showing the tummy. LOL
    Nikki @ Mommy Factor recently posted..Thomas &amp Friends Nominated for Webby 4-DVD Set &amp Engine Toy Giveaway

  • Avatar Li April 18, 2011, 2:39 pm

    I LOVE the effort, but I think the looks needs some assistance.

    I think teens can get away with a lot more and so it’s ok to go a little crazy, but one rule must always be kept: compliment your shape, and I don’t feel that the clothes are working it.

    For the first look, it’s almost there but doesn’t hit the mark. It would have improved if the jeans were a solid color (no wash), and either a fitted jacket (not black) or no jacket but definitely a structured blouse, so that the only layered piece of clothing is the scarf. This teen has a nice figure, but the outfit doesnt do it for her. Boots are cute, nix the socks because the color is not working.

    For the second look, its really hard to use a hat like that with an outfit that has so much color. I would do several things.

    Option A (for day): ditch that hat, keep the midrift with the jeans, ditch the cardigan and rock it with sandals.

    Option B (for night): ditch that hat, keep the blouse with high waisted very italiano jeans, add a fitted cardigan and rock it with nude pumps and a clutch.

    Option C: I would keep the hat, jeans, boots (add socks from prior photo), and wear a long sleeved, solid color top that extended to the hips, maybe with buttons going down the neckline (like a thermal shirt look).

    I think the looks have potential but need to be more structured. So the verdict is not cheap, not chic, just incomplete. But definitely definitely E for EFFORT!!! 🙂

    Li recently posted..The Adventures of Angry Pants McGee

  • Avatar Suzan April 20, 2011, 9:45 am

    I think the outfits are very teen! For the first look I would change the boot out for a chocolate UGG. For the second look I love the hat! I’m just not a big fan of the striped top; probably because the stripes don’t match at the side seam. I would definitely encourage both girls to make sure their midriffs are covered.

    I think the outfits are teen chic but the bare midriffs make them almost teen cheap.

    Suzan’s “Life is Better in a Tiara”

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