

“Big Miracle” Movie Review

Big Miracle, rated PG, includes a stellar cast: Drew Barrymore, John Krasinski, Kristen Bell, Dermot Mulroney, Tim Blake Nelson, Vinessa Shaw, John Pingayak, John Chase, Ahmaogak Sweeney and Ted Danson.

Based on a true story, Big Miracle, is set to open nationwide on February 3, 2012. The movie follows the story of Adam Carlson, a reporter played by John Krasinski, and Rachel Kramer, an animal-loving volunteer played by Drew Barrymore, who also happens to be his ex-girlfriend! As they join forces to free 3 California gray whales who are trapped in Alaska, they find the unlikeliest of allies in an oil tycoon, heads of state, rival world superpowers and journalists from all over the world. Amindst the chaos, you find yourself rooting for not just the whales but for Adam and Rachel to get back together.

Andrew, my 10 year old, and I went to see the pre-screening of Big Miracle this weekend. The movie had us laughing, gasping and yes, I admit even tearing at various points. It’s a movie that emphasizes family and community. Perfect for the kids!

Without giving too much away, I can tell you that the ending was  bittersweet. Although, Rachel was not able to do all she hoped to do, she united communities all over the world, changing the playing field for those who care about the environment.


Favorite Quote:

It (the hole) kept getting bigger and bigger until it let the whole world in.

That my dear readers is what passion does!

Let’s talk! Are you planning on seeing Big Miracle? Why or why not?  

A heartfelt thanks to Kimberly of Foodie City Mom Foodie City Mom for the Big Miracle tickets.

About the Author


Migdalia Rivera, also known as Ms. Latina in social media, is a single Latina mother of a teen, tween and 2 Australian Shepherds. When not blogging, or chasing after her energetic bunch, she connects influential bloggers with brands and PR agencies via her blogger network, Stiletto Media.

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  • Avatar Gman January 30, 2012, 4:55 pm

    How wonderful that you and your son were able to see this pre-screening! I remember seeing the preview on TV recently and it looked impressive. I assume that with the PG rating it is devoid of violence, nudity and language? I prefer to find G movies for my 7-year-old girl, so I may want to see this first. She frightens easily and she is very empathetic. If I preview the movie, I usually rent it on my Blockbuster Movie Pass first or find it streaming on there. I like that it is an all-you-can-watch bundle with my Dish Network service, where I work. It is only $10 a month for any subscriber and they even include Blu-ray and game rentals. I suppose it will be a while though for it to come out on video so the dollar theater is always an option! My 13-year-old son and I could go for our one-on-one time.

  • Avatar Gman January 30, 2012, 4:57 pm

    Oh, I forgot to mention that my wife is a Latina too! She doesn’t like movies, her family was rather old fashioned, but if it is a good one she doesn’t complain. I will refer her to your site and I’m sure she will find many things she likes.

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