Cell Phone

Cricket Wireless Nokia Lumia 630 | www.latinaonamission.com Cricket Wireless Nokia Lumia 630 | www.latinaonamission.com

Summer began just a few weeks ago but the back to school specials are already popping up. As a budget savvy single Mom, I'm all for it. It allows families to purchase items slowly, versus going on a rushed shopping spree right before school begins, especially on technology. As a Cricket Wireless Ambassador, I'm excited [...]

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  At Latina On a Mission, we're excited to bring you this compensated post.  As cell phone users fighting the battle of raising prices, we couldn't wait to share the good news. You don't have to dread your monthly bill. Yes, it's true! Free Calls. Free Texts. Anywhere. Anytime.  There's a new player in town [...]


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